Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"The Group"

Poor Tater Tot came down sick with croup on Sunday. She's telling everyone that she has "The Group." I hope later in life that doesn't develop into "The Groupie!" I stayed home from work with her yesterday but I took her in with me today because I had a meeting. She loves going to work with me. She gets sooooooo much attention, like a rockstar. People, even people I don't know, give her stuff like candy, and toys they have laying around. She draws pictures for everyone too, so her artwork is all over the 5th floor. And my boss, Amy, is her best friend. She'll go sit in Amy's office and ditch me. :-) But it's cool, I can get more done that way, and Amy really likes having her around. I love my job! I've never worked anywhere where they let you stay home with your sick kids, let alone let you bring them to work with you? It's awesome!


Beth said...

Yeah! I am so happy you are liking your job - And I hope Tatem gets better quick!!

Melissa said...

Nice blog, I never knew about it! Anyway, I hope Tatem kicks the group. I hate it when my kids get that. Sounds like you're happy though! I am so glad...miss you!

Krissy said...

Ha, Ha! Tatem's hysterical. I love her. I'm so glad you love your job and that they treat you both so well. Tell Tatem I want some of her famous art work. Love you guys!

~Lauren said...

"The Group"..that is hysterical! Poor Tatem tho :( My kids were watching her in the snow Isabelle kept saying "oh she is so cute..she is cute mom huh? She is so... cute mom"! Too bad cuteness doesn't cure the Group!

Aldred Family said...

Cathy.. I was "blog surfing" today and came across Jill's blog and then yours!! You have an adorable little girl!! Hope you are doing well! I just wanted to say "Hi!"